Seatbelt Laws

Seatbelt laws in the UK are extremely strict and if you are found guilty of a seatbelt offence you could find yourself on the receiving end of a considerable fine.

If you or someone you know has been accused of not wearing a seat belt, the expert motoring offence solicitors at YSG re here to provide legal advice and services that will help you understand the consequences, as well as your options.

To speak to our specialist team today, get in touch by calling 03333 446440 or complete the easy-to-use online enquiry form at the side of the page.

What is the Law on Wearing Seatbelts?

There are a range of facets that make up the law on seatbelts in the UK. Most importantly, it is obligatory for adults to wear a seatbelt where one is available.

There are, however, a number of exceptions to the rule. You do not need to wear a seatbelt if:

  • You are in a vehicle used for police, fire or rescue services
  • You are driving a goods vehicle that is travelling a maximum of 50 metres between stops
  • You are a licensed taxi either carrying passengers or plying for hire
  • You are a passenger in a trade vehicle and investigating a fault
  • You are reversing or supervising a learner driver who is reversing
  • You are a qualified driving examiner who might endanger yourself or others by being restricted by a seatbelt

Furthermore, you may be exempt from wearing a seat belt on medical grounds, but only if you have a Certificate of Exemption from Compulsory Seat Belt Wearing in your vehicle.

Contact YSG Today

If you are looking for legal advice on seatbelt offences, speak to our team of experts today. Call  03333 446440 or use our online enquiry form.